Monday, September 3, 2012

Girth Check Video

I filmed a short video to demonstrate how I check for girth tightness at the horse's sternum starring Harley, of course.  I hope you enjoy it and remember, safety first!

See Rider Confessions for the back story and more information.


  1. I've started checking Winston's girth at the sternum as well and noticed that it can be quite loose on the side but very tight underneath. Thanks for the tip! Winston thanks you, too.

    1. Cool! Your welcome, Winston, you handsome fellow.

  2. great idea :) and your boy is so cooperative!

  3. It looked like you were tickling Harley a little bit there, :-) Good informative video.
    I haven't noticed recently, but Harley's mane is looking really nice these days. At least from what I could tell anyway. He's so cute!

    1. Thanks, Mary!

      He likes to eat grass through the fence, which rubs out his mane pretty badly. This year has been a huge improvement on previous years.

  4. Such a great video! I used to be a 'cranker' as a kid on girths and now feel they can be just a little looser. This is a great guideline to feel for correct tightness.
    Harley seems to be such a pookie :)

  5. Top video! Not only informative but it shows your relationship with Harley and shows how lovely you are too! :)

    I love getting to know overseas bloggers through video. The world is a lot smaller than it used to be!

  6. Val, great video! Thanks for sharing. I will start checking my girth there as well - I'm guessing that since I've not had a problem with saddle slippage, it's fine, even though it's generally loose on the sides.


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