Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome to My Memoirs

I vividly remember my first time sitting astride a horse.  I was three.  The horse was a small Arabian pony with a chestnut coat and a white blaze.  Her name was Littlebit.  In my mind, I can see the mare's neck and shoulders in front of me as I am lowered onto her back like it was yesterday.  Her mane is long and a bit stringy, but soft between my fingers.  Her ears swivel front to back as she stands utterly motionless with her tiny human cargo.  She smells of sawdust and sweet feed.  I am in heaven!

The Beginning: My first equine encounter with my aunt.

And that was it for me.  My life with horses began, a life that I built for myself.  My family did not live on a farm.  My parents loved animals, but were not horse people, so it was up to me to pioneer the world of horses.  From the time that I sat on that pony, I knew that these captivating animals were something that I needed in my life.  To this day, they continue to be my life's passion and this is what I hope to share in my new blog:
Memoirs of a Horse Girl.

Welcome and Enjoy!


  1. That is a wonderful memory! I can't remember the first time that I was on a horse, but I can certainly remember every horse that I have been on! Corinna

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment, Corinna.
    Each horse is definitely something to remember.

  3. I find it fascinating how the horse "bug" gets in and sticks so hard for some. (me included) My journey started with books. I just love reading your memoirs, they really seem to hit a cord with me.

  4. Hey, email me at for your showsheen -- I need your mailing address. Congrats!

  5. What a great photo memory and beginning of your Lifelong passion with the horse!

  6. Love the photo----"little" Valerie meets Littlebit with the help of a loving Aunt---sweet---notice the horse leaning into the two---


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